
Thank you for stopping by to check out my site. For many years friends that I hadn’t seen in some time, whom I grew up with and went to school with, would often ask, “Hey Lou are you still playing guitar”? And my response has always been “Yeah I am. Still writing songs and Jammin’ “. With no real proof to show them, I imagined them walking away saying under their breath “Yeah your full of shit!” Any body who really knows me knows I’m just kidding. I have always been appreciative of that question and humbled that you would care to even ask me that, so Thank You.

So here is the answer to that question. I have put together a small library of songs that I have written and recorded at one time or another. Some really old, but newly recorded. Some just OLD! I have several new ones I am currently working on and am stoked to be doing this. It’s something I have been procrastinating on for quite some time and now it’s a reality. I am very proud of these songs and hope you enjoy them as much as I had making them. From my heart and soul, into your ears and heart! God Bless all of you!

All My Love, Sincerely, Lou Fracassi